How to measure customer experience maturity: Hi-tech Industry?

by Melissa Aman on

The customer is the most important element in this era, his voice, opinion, and feedback matters more than ever. Almost all organizations are moving towards customer experience and many organizations are facing challenges in terms of measuring their customer experience maturity.

What is the customer experience?

It’s all about the customer's perception and feeling caused by periodic efforts and communication with the supplier organization.

Customer experience is the key element to keep or grow business in this fast-growing technology era.

By setting a company metric and sharing with the wider organization to meet the metrics will help organizations to measure customer experience maturity. Day by day technologies are changing and it’s become challenging to meet customer experience in the competitive market. To beat the competition and to measure customer experience, many organizations come up with different models called Customer Experience Management Maturity Models. The goal of all the models to gauge the maturity of CX ( customer experience) program. 

We will take an example of Gartner’s Customer Experience Management Maturity Model. Similarly, organizations can adopt different models based on their industry and organization structure.

Gartner’s Customer Experience Management Maturity Model

There are 5 key elements in Gartner’s Customer Experience Management Maturity Model.


in this stage, companies have not defined clear customer experience strategy 


Companies realized that they needed a concrete customer experience strategy and documented the current best practices followed throughout the organization.


Defined is the phase where organization leaders and key stakeholders will brainstorm and set a clear customer experience strategy and build short and long term goals around it.


Since customer experience strategy is defined so the company will provide training to make sure that employees follow and understand the customer experience strategy and goals.


This is the highest level of the stage where very few organizations are reached. This is the phase where companies are full incorporated customer experience strategy and they have all relevant customer insights are many teams are engaged with customers to achieve the highest level of customer experience.

Gartner customer experience maturity

Where does your customer experience stand?

Maybe you feel that your company has not achieved the heights of customer experience excellence but don’t worry you are not alone in the race, there are very few companies who are at the highest level others are still chasing it.

There are multiple reasons for that. Each and every organization has its own challenges to adopting customer experience practices and maturity models. Maturity models play an important role to measure the progress and provide a clear path to reach the peak. 

There are clear opportunities for customer experience professionals within the high-tech domain to bridge the gap and achieve the highest CX excellence for their companies.