
The Great CX Dive: Why Customer Satisfaction Is in Free Fall

Customer experience (CX) scores have plummeted to record lows, as reported by Forrester’s 2024 U.S. Customer Experience Index. This decline marks the third consecutive year of deteriorating CX quality, reaching an all-time low. Forrester's analysis, which assessed over 98,000 customers' perceptions of more than 200 brands across 13 industries, reveals a troubling trend in how customers view brand effectiveness, ease, and emotional engagement.

Key Findings from Forrester’s 2024 U.S. Customer Experience Index

Forrester’s study highlights several alarming statistics:

  • Nearly 2 in 5 brands saw a significant decline in their CX quality.
  • The average CX score dropped 3.9 pointson a 100-point scale, surpassing the previous record decline of 3.6 points in 2023.
  • Declines were observed across every industry, except for airlines, which gained 2 points on average.

Understanding the Dive in CX Quality

According to Forrester, the decline in CX quality cannot be attributed to a single factor. Instead, it results from a confluence of issues:

  • Ease and Effectiveness: Customers find it increasingly difficult to accomplish their needs, as ease and effectiveness scores dropped more than emotional engagement scores.
  • Unmet Expectations: Technological innovations, particularly in self-service technology and conversational AI chatbots, have not met customer expectations. Despite advancements in generative AI, customers feel their experiences have not improved.
  • Economic Concerns: Middle-class consumers, who are generally worried about the economy, are driving the drop in quality scores. They are spending more but not perceiving added value.

“There’s no one thing we can point to,” said Pete Jacques, a principal analyst and author of the report. “What we’re seeing are a number of different trends, which unfortunately makes it a little bit more challenging for companies.”

The Role of Technology in CX Decline

Technological advancements were expected to enhance customer experiences significantly. However, the reality has fallen short of these expectations. Customers anticipated that innovations like generative AI would simplify and improve their interactions with brands. Instead, they have found that these technologies have not delivered the promised benefits, contributing to the overall decline in CX scores.

“Expectations were raised a lot around gen AI,” Jacques noted. “It feeds back up to this general sense of here’s all these technological advances, but it’s not making my experience really any better or any easier.”

Economic Anxiety and Consumer Behavior

Economic uncertainty is another critical factor affecting CX scores. As consumers, particularly from the middle class, grapple with economic concerns, their expectations from brands increase. They are spending more but do not perceive corresponding value in their experiences. This disconnect between spending and perceived value is driving negative sentiments and contributing to the decline in CX scores.

Strategic Approaches to Revive CX

Reviving customer experience requires a multi-faceted approach. Brands must focus on several key areas:

  • Improving Ease and Effectiveness: Simplifying processes and making interactions more efficient can help improve CX scores. Brands should invest in user-friendly interfaces and streamlined customer service processes.
  • Managing Technological Expectations: While adopting new technologies is essential, brands must ensure these innovations genuinely enhance the customer experience. Effective implementation and continuous improvement of AI and self-service tools are crucial.
  • Addressing Economic Concerns: Understanding the economic pressures faced by customers and offering perceived value can help mitigate negative sentiments. Brands should focus on delivering tangible benefits that align with customer expectations.


The decline in customer experience scores is a complex issue driven by multiple factors, including unmet technological expectations and economic anxieties. Brands must adopt a strategic approach to address these challenges, focusing on improving ease and effectiveness, managing technological innovations, and understanding consumer behavior. By doing so, companies can begin to reverse the downward trend and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

For more insights and strategies on improving customer experience, explore our latest reports and expert analyses. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and addressing the underlying issues, businesses can turn the tide and foster long-term loyalty and success.