
Crafting the Global Narrative: Inside the Drupal Association's Digital Evolution with Christina

How Fresh Perspectives are Driving Drupal’s Communication Strategy and Expanding its Global Reach

Christina Lockhart

Christina is the Digital Communications Manager at the Drupal Association, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of one of the world's leading open-source content management systems. With a passion for community-driven technology, Christina orchestrates a symphony of digital communications across multiple platforms, from crafting compelling newsletters to managing a suite of social media channels.

Christina brings a fresh perspective to the organization. She has quickly become an integral part of the Drupal community, working closely with volunteers and contributing to major initiatives like DrupalCon and Promote Drupal.

Christina's role goes beyond traditional marketing; she's at the forefront of Drupal's efforts to become more accessible to marketers and to expand its global footprint. Her work involves everything from coordinating multilingual press releases to supporting scholarship programs that bring diverse voices into the Drupal community.

With a keen eye on the evolving digital landscape, Christina is excited about Drupal's future, particularly its renewed focus on product marketing. 

She embodies the Drupal community's spirit of collaboration and innovation, always eager to connect with new contributors and help them find their place in the vibrant Drupal ecosystem.


Christina Lockhart

In the world of content management systems, Drupal stands out not just for its technical capabilities, but for the vibrant community that powers its growth and innovation. At the heart of this ecosystem is the Drupal Association, working tirelessly to promote, support, and advance the platform.

Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Christina Lockhart, the Digital Communications Manager at the Drupal Association. With two years of experience in the Drupal world, Christina brings a fresh perspective to the organization's marketing efforts and community engagement strategies.

In this interview, Christina shares insights into the current state of the Drupal ecosystem, the challenges and opportunities in marketing an open-source platform, and the passion that drives the Drupal community. 

From the intricacies of managing global communications to the excitement of new initiatives like the Drupal Starshot, Christina offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the Drupal Association is working to position Drupal as a top choice for digital leaders worldwide.

Whether you're a long-time Drupal enthusiast or new to the world of open-source CMS, this conversation provides valuable insights into the human side of technology and the power of community-driven innovation. 

Join us as we explore the present and future of Drupal through the eyes of one of its key communicators.

Q: What are your core responsibilities as the Digital Communications Manager at Drupal Association?

Christina: As part of the communications team at the Drupal Association, my responsibilities cover a wide range of digital marketing and communication tasks. We handle all communication and digital marketing for the Drupal Association and DrupalCon North America. This includes creating emails, such as our monthly newsletter, writing press releases, managing social media campaigns, and overseeing the DrupalCon North America website content.

My colleague Tanisha handles most of the website design, while I focus on content management. We also work closely with volunteers, particularly the marketing volunteers for DrupalCon North America who help create content to promote the conference. Additionally, we collaborate with Promote Drupal, a group of volunteers from the Drupal community who help spread the word about Drupal and promote everything great about it.

My role involves a lot of writing and content creation. We manage about 10 different social media channels, ensuring that all channels have regular content going out. It's a diverse role that touches on many aspects of digital communication and community engagement.

Q: What is the primary focus of the newsletter you manage?

Christina: Our newsletter is more community-focused rather than technical. We highlight different events in the Drupal community, various initiatives, and general Drupal news. We also feature Drupal Association news, highlighting different projects we're working on, such as Discover Drupal or board elections. It's a monthly summary of community and association news.

DA Staff working the DA Booth in DrupalCon Portland 2024. Folks in the photo include CEO Tim Doyle, Kelly Delaney, Brendan Blaine, Fran Garcia-Linares, and Christina Lockhart.

Q: As the Digital Communications Manager at the Drupal Association, can you tell us about the current state of the Drupal ecosystem? What are some of the major developments and trends you're seeing in the Drupal community?

Christina: Since I joined the Drupal Association about two and a half years ago, I've noticed an increased focus on marketers within the community. Initially, there was a sentiment that Drupal was challenging for the marketing community. Many marketers felt that Drupal was a bit harder for them to use and was more tech-focused. However, with initiatives like Drupal Starshot and the upcoming Drupal CMS, there's a push to make Drupal more accessible to marketers. These developments are expected to allow more marketers to join the community and alleviate some of the concerns they had when I first joined.

Another trend I've observed, particularly with DrupalCon, is the expansion of events worldwide. For example, DrupalCon Asia is being brought back this year after a hiatus. This showcases a trend towards more global events and inclusion of the wider global community, moving away from a US-centric focus. It's really great to see the community expanding and becoming more inclusive on a global scale.

Q: Many people from the Drupal Association mention that volunteers and the Drupal community are the engine behind Drupal, driven by passion. What do you think motivates this passion, given that they're contributing their time without worrying about monetary benefits?

Christina: I think that's a great question, and it really speaks to how Drupal is so much more than just a product to many people. It's not just something you use and set aside; it has more of a soul and a strong community around it. I believe people are passionate about Drupal for several reasons:

1. Community: Even as someone relatively new to Drupal, I was immediately struck by the passion and inspiration from others in the community. It's infectious and inspiring.
2. Principles: Drupal's principles align closely with those of the open web, emphasizing accessibility and inclusivity. People feel they have a place in the Drupal community.
3. Impact: Contributors can see the direct impact of their work on a widely-used, global platform.
4. Learning and growth: The community provides opportunities for learning and professional growth.
5. Shared values: Many are drawn to Drupal's open-source ethos and the idea of collaboratively building something for the greater good.

I think it's this combination of factors that makes Drupal special to people and motivates them to volunteer their time. It's really about one person spreading their passion to another, creating a self-sustaining cycle of enthusiasm and contribution. This passion-driven community is what truly sets Drupal apart and makes it more than just a product.

Q: What does "Drupal for Marketers" mean, and what features make Drupal appealing to marketers?

Christina: "Drupal for Marketers" is an initiative to showcase Drupal's marketing-friendly features and make it more accessible to marketers who previously found it challenging to use. I've heard from the community that the editorial experience and tools within Drupal are particularly applicable to the marketing field. Other aspects that appeal to marketers include Drupal's accessibility features, security, and various integrations available during the building process.

Q: The Drupal community is known for its vibrant events and conferences. Can you share some insights into the importance of these community gatherings? How do they help drive innovation and growth within the Drupal ecosystem?

Christina: Community gatherings like DrupalCon are crucial for the Drupal ecosystem. They provide opportunities for face-to-face interactions, which are especially valuable in a community where many work remotely. These events allow community members to collaborate, learn from one another, and drive innovation.

For example, at DrupalCon Portland, there was palpable excitement about new developments, particularly around the Starshot Initiative. These gatherings inspire collaboration and innovation within the community.

Christina Lockhart at DrupalCon Portland 2024 Welcome Reception with other members of the DrupalCon Marketing Committee: Iwantha Lekamge, Surabhi Gokte, Kwasi Afreh. 

Q: For individuals or organizations new to Drupal, what advice would you offer them as they explore the platform and consider adopting it for their digital initiatives?

Christina: For those new to Drupal, I'd recommend exploring as a starting point. We have great case studies and resources available, including a dedicated page for marketers created by Promote Drupal.

Consider what you're looking to achieve with your organization's marketing and see if Drupal aligns with those needs. Look through case studies and explore the different features available.

Some key features of Drupal 11, such as recipes, project browser, and automatic updates, are particularly beneficial for newcomers to Drupal.

Q: What strategies is the Drupal Association employing to drive Drupal adoption and further strengthen the Drupal community? How can the broader Drupal community get involved and contribute to this effort?

Christina: There are several ways for the community to get involved:

1. Join Promote Drupal, a volunteer organization focused on spreading the word about Drupal. Information can be found at
2. Participate in the Starshot working group, which is promoting the new Drupal CMS.
3. Join the Drupal Slack and explore various channels and groups to find areas of interest.
4. Volunteer for DrupalCon committees, such as the marketing committee, organization committee, or session committee.

These are great ways to contribute to Drupal's growth and connect with the community.

Q: As businesses and organizations increasingly focus on delivering seamless, personalized digital experiences, what role do you see Drupal playing in this landscape? How is the Drupal Association working to position Drupal as a top choice for digital leaders, especially in competition with WordPress? 

Christina: We've been working on several fronts to strengthen Drupal's position. The Drupal Association's board of directors set a goal to further develop Drupal marketing, recognizing it as an area where we were lacking compared to platforms like WordPress. To address this, we've been working with a marketing working group and a product marketing consultant to create and implement a Drupal go-to-market plan.

We're implementing several strategies:

1. Attending more events worldwide to showcase Drupal. We've compiled a list of conferences where we can present Drupal, which is a new initiative for us.
2. Hiring a product marketing director. This is a brand new position that just started this week. Having someone focused solely on product marketing and messaging is an exciting development that we believe will help us stand out among competitors.
3. Collaborating with the Promote Drupal committee to showcase case studies and work that agencies are doing with Drupal through social media, blog posts, and other channels.
4. Creating targeted content, such as the Drupal for marketers page on, which serves as a resource for those interested in marketing with Drupal but unsure where to start.

These steps are aimed at positioning Drupal as a top contender among competitors and showcasing its unique strengths and capabilities.

Q: What initiatives is the Drupal Association taking to strengthen its footprint in less saturated markets and make the platform more accessible globally?

Christina: We're taking several steps to reach a more global audience:

1. Translating communications: We're working with local associations worldwide to translate press releases and other communications into multiple languages.
2. Scholarship program: We're reaching out to global communities through our scholarship program, providing opportunities for people who might not otherwise be able to attend events like DrupalCon.
3. Attending global events: We're creating a list of worldwide events to attend, aiming to make Drupal more accessible in regions beyond North America and Europe.

These initiatives aim to make Drupal more accessible and appealing to a truly global audience.

Q: Any closing thoughts or exciting developments you'd like to share?

Christina: I'm really excited about our new focus on product marketing. Having someone solely dedicated to promoting Drupal as a product is a new development for us, and I believe it will significantly elevate Drupal's marketing efforts and help us compete effectively.

I'd also like to reiterate that we're always looking for people interested in collaborating or helping out. Anyone interested can join the Promote Drupal Slack group or reach out to me directly about how to contribute or collaborate. We're excited about what's to come for Drupal!