Is Your Marketing Slaying or Failing? Master Gen Z’s Playbook

by Akanksha Mishra on
Is Your Marketing Slaying or Failing? Master Gen Z’s Playbook

It’s officially the Gen Z era, and these are the times when each like, share, and comment will have a higher impact. Every engagement counts for a brand, and it’s the Gen Z that’s holding this greater power to make or break a brand. The generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s is so important because it’s the first ever generation that can well be defined as the “digital natives”

Gen Z is today, reshaping the way a brand can communicate, purchase, or engage with the customers- hence playing a major role in defining the marketing strategy. While businesses are grappling with the challenge of penetrating this customer segment, one clear thing is this- If your marketing isn’t “slaying,” you might just be “failing.” 

While we’re speaking the tone of this influential generation, in this DXP opinion piece, we’ll tell you why. Stay with us, as we decode the Gen Z lexicon, and help you gain actionable strategies which can capture your audience’s attention. From taking a peek into their “lingo” to navigating the most preferred social platform of Gen Z, we’re here to give you our two cents into the mindset of Gen Z. 

Speak Their Language (Literally): The Power of Slang

Gen Z is reshaping language, and if brands want to connect, they need to speak in a way that feels authentic. While Millennials popularized internet slang, Gen Z has turned it into a new art form. "Lit," "slay," "stan," and "no cap" are just a few examples of the ever-evolving jargon that marketers must get familiar with.

But it’s not enough to just throw in a few trendy words. To truly resonate with Gen Z, your messaging needs to reflect their attitudes and values. They can spot inauthenticity from a mile away. So, whether you’re trying to sound “lit” or call someone a “stan,” make sure it aligns with your brand identity and doesn’t come off as forced or out of touch.

Pro Tip: Rather than trying to mimic their exact words, focus on understanding the meaning behind their slang and how it ties into their overall communication style. Leverage this insight to craft messaging that feels natural and relevant.

The Multi-Channel Universe: Where Gen Z Lives

marketing for Gen Z


Gen Z’s digital landscape is vast and fragmented. We’re no longer speaking of the single platform that can dominate a market. Brands, in the present times, need to go a mile ahead and become a key differentiator by spreading efforts across multiple channels- streaming platforms, social media, and even gaming environments. But, which one is the most powerful of them all? Where is Gen Z spending most of their time? In sections ahead, we are discussing all these questions and a lot more.


The Home of Short-Form Storytelling: No surprise here—TikTok reigns supreme for Gen Z. With over a billion monthly active users, it’s where trends are born, and brands have the opportunity to go viral in minutes. What sets TikTok apart? Its emphasis on creativity and authenticity. Brands need to focus on entertaining, engaging, and being part of the conversation, rather than being overtly salesy.


Visual Storytelling at Its Finest: Instagram remains a key player for brands looking to connect with Gen Z. With its stories, reels, and highly visual content, Instagram serves as a platform for brands to showcase their personality. Instagram’s focus on aesthetics makes it a great channel for brands that excel in visual storytelling.


The Long-Form Playground: While short-form video is all the rage, Gen Z still has an appetite for longer content. YouTube remains a go-to for product reviews, tutorials, and vlogs. Brands can capitalize on this by creating educational and entertaining content that resonates with their values.

Discord & Twitch  

The Underrated Players: Gaming platforms like Discord and Twitch offer a unique opportunity for brands to engage with Gen Z. By becoming part of these communities and understanding their culture, brands can forge deeper, more meaningful connections.

Authenticity is Non-Negotiable

We don’t see traditional advertising ruling the market anymore. Gen Z is highly skeptical of this conventionalism. And, let’s not even get started about the Gen-Alpha. This new generation is adept at finding out inauthenticity, and hence, they are even smarter to reject brands that deceit them or come across as disingenuous. The modern generation, also sarcastically called “the Internet police” supports brands that can align with their values and mission- whether it is sustainability, social justice, or diversity. 

How to Win with Gen Z:

  1. Be Transparent: Gen Z values transparency. Brands that are honest about their processes, pricing, and values will win over this generation.
  2. Highlight Diversity: Gen Z cares deeply about inclusivity. Ensure your campaigns represent diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and identities.
  3. Social Responsibility Matters: Gen Z is known for championing social justice causes. Brands that stand for something—whether it’s environmental sustainability, mental health awareness, or LGBTQ+ rights—are more likely to earn their loyalty.

Pro Tip: 

Authenticity isn’t something that can be faked. Ensure that your brand’s values and actions align with the message you’re putting out. Gen Z will hold you accountable.

Content That Entertains, Educates, and Engages

Gen Z marketing strategy

Gen Z consumes content differently from previous generations. They seek out entertainment, education, and engagement, often all at the same time. So, how can brands cater to these preferences?

  1. Edutainment: Gen Z loves learning, but they don’t want it to feel like a chore. Brands that can create entertaining, educational content—like how-to videos, tutorials, or explainer videos—can win their attention. Think of brands like Duolingo, whose TikToks combine humor and learning in a way that’s both engaging and educational.
  2. Interactive Content: Gen Z loves interactive experiences. From AR filters on Instagram to polls on TikTok, give them opportunities to participate in your content. User-generated content is a goldmine for brands, as Gen Z loves being part of the conversation.
  3. Storytelling: Whether it’s a 15-second TikTok or a 10-minute YouTube video, storytelling is at the heart of Gen Z’s content consumption. Brands that can tell compelling stories—especially ones that resonate with their values—are more likely to capture their attention.

Pro Tip: 

Don’t just create content for the sake of it. Ensure that your stories have purpose, provide value, and align with Gen Z’s interests. They’ll reward you with their attention and, ultimately, their loyalty.

Gen Z and the Power of Influencers

Influencers play a significant role in Gen Z’s purchasing decisions. Unlike traditional celebrities, Gen Z sees influencers as more relatable and trustworthy. They look to influencers for product recommendations, lifestyle inspiration, and entertainment.

Micro vs. Macro Influencers: For Gen Z, micro-influencers—those with smaller, more engaged followings—often hold more sway than big-name celebrities. They value authenticity and personal connection over large follower counts. Brands that can collaborate with niche influencers stand a better chance of making an impact.

Pro Tip: 

When working with influencers, focus on long-term relationships rather than one-off campaigns. Gen Z is more likely to trust influencers who have a genuine, ongoing relationship with a brand.

Closing Thoughts: Mastering the Gen Z Playbook

Gen Z is a purchasing powerhouse, but connecting with them requires more than just flashy ads or trendy language. It’s about understanding their values, their channels, and their need for authenticity. From engaging them through creative content to aligning with influencers who resonate with their worldview, brands that can master these elements will not only capture Gen Z’s attention but also their loyalty.

Ready to start slaying your marketing strategy? Learn more through our DXP insights and opinions, and we’ll help you craft a winning plan that speaks to Gen Z’s heart.


1. Why is Gen Z different from other generations when it comes to marketing?
Gen Z is the first true generation of digital natives. They’ve grown up with the internet, social media, and smartphones, making them more skeptical of traditional advertising. They value authenticity, transparency, and social responsibility in brands. Unlike older generations, they also prefer short-form, engaging, and interactive content across diverse digital platforms.

2. How can brands authentically use Gen Z slang without seeming forced?
To avoid seeming inauthentic, it’s essential to understand the meaning behind Gen Z slang rather than just using the words for the sake of it. Incorporate slang in a way that aligns with your brand's identity and voice. Partnering with Gen Z influencers or content creators can also help ensure your message resonates naturally with this generation.

3. Which digital platforms are most effective for marketing to Gen Z?
TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and platforms like Discord and Twitch are the go-to channels for Gen Z. Each platform serves a different purpose, from short-form storytelling on TikTok to community engagement on Discord. Brands should tailor their content to the strengths and audience of each platform.

4. How can brands show authenticity to win over Gen Z?
Authenticity comes from transparency, inclusivity, and social responsibility. Brands should be upfront about their values, processes, and the causes they support. Gen Z wants to engage with brands that reflect their own ideals, such as sustainability, diversity, and fairness.

5. Why are influencers important when marketing to Gen Z?
Gen Z trusts influencers more than traditional celebrities because influencers come across as more relatable and authentic. Micro-influencers, in particular, with smaller, highly engaged audiences, often have more impact on Gen Z purchasing decisions. Long-term partnerships with influencers help build trust and brand loyalty.