
Car Dealerships Grind to a Halt as CDK Global Battles Cyberattack: Are You Protected?

Imagine walking into a car dealership, ready to test drive your dream vehicle, only to be met with a sea of darkened computer screens and frustrated salespeople. This was the reality for car shoppers across the US on Wednesday as a cyberattack on CDK Global, a leading provider of dealership management software, crippled operations nationwide.

The attack, while resolved within a day for core systems, exposed a critical vulnerability in the automotive industry: the overreliance on interconnected software and a potential lack of robust cybersecurity measures. But fear not, car enthusiasts and dealership personnel alike! This article will delve into the recent CDK Global incident, explore the reasons why car dealerships are targeted by cybercriminals, and provide actionable tips to enhance your dealership's cybersecurity posture.

CDK Global Fights Back: A Day of Disruption

CDK Global, trusted by over 15,000 dealerships in North America, is the backbone of many a car-buying experience. Their software streamlines everything from vehicle inventory management to financing and customer relationship management (CRM). When a cyberattack struck their systems, dealerships were left scrambling. Sales ground to a halt, service departments couldn't access repair records, and communication with potential customers became impossible.

Thankfully, CDK Global responded swiftly, shutting down most systems as a precautionary measure. By Wednesday afternoon, crucial features such as document management and digital retailing solutions were back in operation. However, the incident highlighted the significant disruption cyberattacks can cause in an industry heavily reliant on technology.

Why are Car Dealerships Targeted by Hackers?

Car dealerships might seem like an unlikely target for cyberattacks. However, for cybercriminals, they represent a treasure trove of valuable data. Here's why:

• Rich Customer Data:

Dealerships store a wealth of sensitive customer information, including names, addresses, Social Security numbers, credit card details, and even driver's licenses. This data can be used for identity theft, financial fraud, or even sold on the black market.

• Interconnected Systems:

Modern dealerships rely on a complex web of interconnected software systems. These systems often link with external service providers and portals, creating multiple entry points for hackers to exploit.

• Potential Security Gaps:

Unfortunately, not all dealerships prioritize robust cybersecurity measures. This can leave them vulnerable to common attacks like malware, phishing emails, and ransomware.

The User Experience Fallout: What Does This Mean for Car Shoppers?

The CDK Global incident serves as a stark reminder of how cyberattacks can disrupt the car buying experience. Here's how it can impact you:

• Delayed Purchases: If a dealership's systems are down, processing loans, finalizing paperwork, and even scheduling test drives can become significantly delayed.

• Data Security Concerns: A cyberattack raises concerns about the security of your personal information. It's crucial to choose dealerships that prioritize data protection.

Taking Control: How Dealerships Can Bolster their Cybersecurity

In the digital age we live in, comprehensive cybersecurity is no longer a luxury, but an essential requirement. Here's what dealerships can do to safeguard their systems and customer data:

• Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA strengthens security by providing a second verification code in addition to a username and password.

• Regular Employee Training: Educate staff on cyber threats and best practices for phishing email identification and secure password management.

• System Updates and Patching: Ensure all software systems are updated with the latest security patches to address known vulnerabilities.

• Regular Backups: Conduct frequent backups of critical data to ensure quick recovery in the aftermath of a cyberattack.

• Partner with a Cybersecurity Specialist: Consider collaborating with a cybersecurity expert to conduct vulnerability assessments and implement a comprehensive security strategy.

The Road Ahead: A Collaborative Approach to Securing the Automotive Industry

The CDK Global incident serves as a wake-up call for the entire automotive industry. Dealerships, software providers, and car manufacturers must work together to prioritize cybersecurity and invest in robust data protection measures. By implementing the steps outlined above and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, dealerships can create a safer environment for themselves, their employees, and most importantly, their customers.

Has your dealership considered the cybersecurity implications of its software and data storage practices? Here at, we'll continue to provide you with the latest cybersecurity news and tips to keep you informed and protected. Stay tuned for future articles exploring best practices to protect your business from data breaches.